Pacific Standard - Portland Home Remodeling Contractor

Home improvement is as old as civilization.  It is a folk art and a craft that evolves with the local people and materials.

Our Promise to Our Oregon Clients

We listen

Every house is different. Every household is different. And every project is different. Our job is to listen to the house and the household.

We care

Houses are important and expensive.  It is our privilege to be trusted to work on them. We treat every home we work on with respect.

We have standards

We work to uphold and promote the best parts of the building tradition here in the mighty Pacific Northwest.

Program Design Build

We really like architectural programs and how they work with the design and build steps of a project to create a clean, focused product.

The architectural program, by describing everything the house will have and do when the project is complete, creates a map of the project that can then be populated with all the points of interest from the design phase.  In this way the program informs the design – build steps while the design – build efforts are easily checked by how well they address the program goals.

What Makes a Remodel Successful

Whether you’re refinishing a bathroom or building a two story addition the best projects get that way because they have the best fundamentals. They have good people who care about the quality and durability of their work. People who respect the privilege of being entrusted to work on someone’s home. They have good building solutions that respond to the lifestyle and needs of the household.

Solutions based on a thorough understanding of how the building is put together and how the household wants to live in the building.  And your great ideas!  The best projects are informed by the experience and insights that can only come from living in the house.

About Leif Nelson, Portland General Contractor

Descended from a long line of carpenters,* my apprenticeship started early with years of legos® training and a summer lawn mowing business. After college, building seemed a better fit than biology and I’ve been here ever since. It still does not feel like work.

Three great people got stuck with me as their dad and, when we’re not skiing or camping or goofing off, I like to play hockey and read non-fiction.

* According to Grandma Fern

Ready to Start Planning a Home Remodel or Addition?

We’d love to learn about the challenges and opportunities presented by your home!

Have a Home Renovation Project in Mind?

Bathroom Remodels

Basement & Attic Conversions

Kitchen Remodel