Bill's Art Gallery

A 1,200 square foot addition to display Japanese art, the gallery comes with an office, half bath and protected art storage.

Minimalism and Light

As his collection of Japanese art grew, so did Bill’s vision of how he would display it. The addition would include respectful nods to traditional Japanese architecture and Frank Lloyd Wright along with a strong connection to his 30 year old Japanese garden and lighting, lots of lighting…

Custom Display Alcoves

Drawing on the Tokonoma form began in 16th century Japan and his experiences viewing other private collections, Bill designed display alcoves in multiple sizes with multiple rows of 4” LED spotlights that can be aimed to accommodate the seasonally rotating art. The gallery’s 41 dimmer switches are integrated into a lighting control panel with touch screen/ app interface.

The Asian-Craftsman sensibilities of Frank Lloyd Wright are at the heart of Bill’s project: Strong horizontal lines, extended soffits, variable ceiling heights, and open sight lines all combine to make the space a delight.

Connecting Interior and Exterior

With a garden as beautiful as his art collection, connection to the outside was very important. The question began circulating, just how big can your window openings be? Turns out they can be pretty big. By putting the bottom plate under the subfloor, moving the shear panels to the roof, and building a 9-beam structural collar to hold everything still, we were able to build whole walls of windows.

Extras Complete the Addition

A half bathroom, art storage closets and a home office make the addition feel like a new wing of the house.